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Problem with AcdSee3.1 need help
2005-10-26, 12:21 AM,
Problem with AcdSee3.1 need help
hi all
i'm trying to make unattended cd with my favorite programs and i'd like to use acdsee3.1 but always get an error .. does any one has a switch or auto it script that works for this version of acdsee
please help if u can
thanks in advance
2005-10-26, 10:17 AM,
Maybe that help:

[Image: wucdcreator.png]
[Image: winfuture.png]
[Image: mysoft.gif]
2005-10-30, 11:41 PM,
hi Vitali
thanks alot for trying help , i've already seen this topic but it didn't work for me , u have to specify the image files that acdsee should handle, this didn't make a complete silent installation , even using auto it script writer didn't succeed in doing the job , it still have a problem too.
well , i'll upload acdsee3.1 version if any one want to expermint with it and give it's results here .
best regards
2005-10-31, 12:13 AM,
here's the link if any one can help or want to try with this nice program :

2005-10-31, 06:35 PM,
Here is the script:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0
; Author:         Vitali Graf <>
; Script Function:
;    Silent ACDSee 3.1 (English) instalation.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Start installation
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "&Next >")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Next >", 4 )

WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "I agree to the terms of this agreement")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "I agree to the terms of this agreement", 3 )

WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "*&Product number")

; Seriennumber
ControlFocus ( "ACDSee Installation", "", 10 )

; Name
ControlFocus ( "ACDSee Installation", "", 13 )
Send("Your Name")

; E-Mail
ControlFocus ( "ACDSee Installation", "", 17 )

ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Next >", 3 )

WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "&Next >")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Next >", 3 )

WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "&Next >")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Next >", 3 )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate shortcuts "Destop" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "Desktop")
ControlCommand  ( "ACDSee Installation", "Desktop", 9, "UnCheck", "")

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate shortcuts "Start Menu Programs - current user" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "Start Menu Programs - current user")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Installation", "Start Menu Programs - current user", 10, "UnCheck", "" )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate shortcuts "Start Menu Programs - all users (Windows NT only)" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "Start Menu Programs - all users (Windows NT only)")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Installation", "Start Menu Programs - all users (Windows NT only)", 11, "Check", "" )

WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "&Next >")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Next >", 3 )

WinWaitActive("Start Installation", "&Next >")
ControlClick ( "Start Installation", "&Next >", 3 )

; !!! ACDSee Shell Integration !!!
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Shell Integration")

; Select all image file types  ( only if you wont)
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "Select &all", 306 )

; Select next tab !!
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "", 12320, "TabRight", "" )

; Select all archive file types  ( only if you wont)
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "Select &all", 306 )

; Select next tab !!
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "", 12320, "TabRight", "" )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate "image files - View with ACDSee" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Shell Integration", "&View with ACDSee")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "&View with ACDSee", 346, "Check", "" )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate "image files - Print with ACDSee" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Shell Integration", "&Print with ACDSee")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "&Print with ACDSee", 340, "Check", "" )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate "image files - ACD Photo Enhance" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Shell Integration", "ACD Photo &Enhance")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "ACD Photo &Enhance", 341, "Check", "" )

; Use "Check"/"UnCheck" for activate/deactivate "Folders and archive files - Browse with ACDSee" ( only if you wont)
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Shell Integration", "&Browse with ACDSee")
ControlCommand ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "&Browse with ACDSee", 349, "Check", "" )

; Close "ACDSee Shell Integration" window
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Shell Integration", "OK", 1 )

; Finish installation
WinWaitActive("ACDSee Installation", "&Finish")
ControlClick ( "ACDSee Installation", "&Finish", 3 )

; wait of ACDSee start to close again
WinWaitActive("splash.jpg - ACDSee v3.0")
WinClose ( "splash.jpg - ACDSee v3.0" )

; Try to close "ACD Systems" explorer window without 'WinWaitActive' funktion
WinClose ( "ACD Systems" )

With my win xp home works it !!!

[Image: wucdcreator.png]
[Image: winfuture.png]
[Image: mysoft.gif]
2005-10-31, 09:44 PM,
hi Vitali
thank u very much for the script , i'll try it and feedback

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