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Installing MS Office 2003 - Printable Version

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Installing MS Office 2003 - linuxmad - 2006-03-17

I have managed to slipstream sp2 + windows xp. I have downloaded ork and created a unattended.MST for office 2003, still ... i can't get it to install. How do i tell Windows Unattended CD Creator to install office 2003.

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - Vitali - 2006-03-17


I think you have forgoten to use unattended.MST als switch whit COMPLETET pfad !

Can you post your settings.txt from CD ?
I need only section [software] from this file. You can remove keys from your software too.

PS: I hope you understand my english

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - linuxmad - 2006-03-17

Thanks for your quick reply.
My software settings are these:



RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - Vitali - 2006-03-17

You have forgoten define a commandline that installs office.
  1. Start Creator
  2. Select Folder on HDD
  3. Click "Work in source directory"
  4. Select "Software"
  5. Select "office2003"
  6. click "select"
  7. and select setup.exe
  8. now you must see "%cdrom%\Software\office2003\setup.exe"
  9. complete it to "%cdrom%\Software\office2003\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS=
  10. now click again "select"
  11. and select Unattended.MST
  12. now you must see "%cdrom%\Software\office2003\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%\Software\office2003\Unattended.MST"
  13. complette it to "%cdrom%\Software\office2003\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%\Software\office2003\Unattended.MST" /qb-
  14. now click "Add" (under "select")

Do you look the videotutorial?

That is very important!

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - linuxmad - 2006-03-17

i am sorry but:

12- now you must see "%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003setup.exe"

shouldn't it be:
now you must see "%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003Unattended.MST"


RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - Vitali - 2006-03-17

linuxmad Wrote:12- now you must see "%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%Softwareoffice2003setup.exe"

Sorry, copy&paste mistake Crying or Very sad
I correct in now

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - Vitali - 2006-03-17

now is ready!

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - linuxmad - 2006-03-17

ok .. this is my new settings.txt

W i n d o w s U n a t t e n d e d C D C r e a t o r 0 . 9 . 8

[ U s e r ]
u s e r s = " a d m i n "
a d m i n . p a s s = e p a a d m i n
a d m i n . l o c a l g r o u p = " A d m i n i s t r a d o r e s "
A u t o l o g i n = a d m i n

[ S o f t w a r e ]

O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 . c h e c k P o i n t = " S o f t w a r e \ O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 "
O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 . S t e p s = " 1 "

O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 . S t e p . 1 = " " % C D R O M % \ S o f t w a r e \ O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 \ S E T U P . E X E " T R A N S F O R M S = " % C D R O M % \ S o f t w a r e \ O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 \ U n a t t e n d e d . M S T " / q b - "
R e i h e n f o l g e = " O f f i c e 2 0 0 3 "

still .. no luck... it installs windows... but no office Sad

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - Vitali - 2006-03-17

Quote:"%cdrom%\Software\office2003\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="%cdrom%\Software\office2003\Unattended.MST"

RE: Installing MS Office 2003 - linuxmad - 2006-03-17

I am sorry...
but also copy paste errors:oops:
my settings.tx has the space "between"

So.. really don't knowCrying or Very sad