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OS and software installation
2006-11-30, 08:07 PM,
RE: OS and software installation
Good day Vitali,

I would like to thank you for your time.
here is the settings text document for you:

for your information I used Files only & Install Directly from the source.... option as well as copyed all files from Cd to software section

Windows Unattended CD Creator 0.9.8

Java.Step.1=""%CDROM%\Java\jre-1_5_0_09-windows-i586-p-s.exe" /s"
Win UCDCreator.checkPoint="Win UCDCreator\WUCDCreator-1.0.1-.Net-2.0.exe"
Win UCDCreator.remote="E:\"
Win UCDCreator.Steps="1"
Win UCDCreator.Step.1=""%CDROM%\Win UCDCreator\WUCDCreator-1.0.1-.Net-2.0.exe" /s"
WinRAR Mario's Vision.checkPoint="WinRAR Mario's Vision\wrar340.exe"
WinRAR Mario's Vision.remote="E:\"
WinRAR Mario's Vision.Steps="1"
WinRAR Mario's Vision.Step.1=""%CDROM%\WinRAR Mario's Vision\wrar340.exe" /s"
MS Office 2003 Enter ED.checkPoint="MS Office 2003 Enter ED\ZZ561401.CAB"
MS Office 2003 Enter ED.remote="E:\"
MS Office 2003 Enter ED.Steps="1"
MS Office 2003 Enter ED.Step.1=""%CDROM%\MS Office 2003 Enter ED\SETUPPRO.EXE" /QB"
Reihenfolge="Java;Win UCDCreator;WinRAR Mario's Vision;MS Office 2003 Enter ED"

var soft = new Array();
var key = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx\\";
var runonceex_js = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\RunOnceEx.js";
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
var n = 0;

soft.title = "Set Up Software";
soft.insertNextMedium = "Please insert next disk with {soft}";
soft.rebootMessage = "Clean & Reboot";
soft.startReboot = "reboot.exe /t 60 /m \"{message}\" /r {runat}";

soft[n] = new Array();
soft[n].name = "Java";
soft[n].checkPoint = "Java\\jre-1_5_0_09-windows-i586-p-s.exe";
soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Java\\jre-1_5_0_09-windows-i586-p-s.exe\" /s";

soft[n] = new Array();
soft[n].name = "Win UCDCreator";
soft[n].checkPoint = "Win UCDCreator\\WUCDCreator-1.0.1-.Net-2.0.exe";
soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Win UCDCreator\\WUCDCreator-1.0.1-.Net-2.0.exe\" /s";

soft[n] = new Array();
soft[n].name = "WinRAR Mario's Vision";
soft[n].checkPoint = "WinRAR Mario's Vision\\wrar340.exe";
soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\WinRAR Mario's Vision\\wrar340.exe\" /s";

soft[n] = new Array();
soft[n].name = "MS Office 2003 Enter ED";
soft[n].checkPoint = "MS Office 2003 Enter ED\\ZZ561401.CAB";
soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\MS Office 2003 Enter ED\\SETUPPRO.EXE\" /QB";

soft.startReboot = soft.startReboot.replace("{message}", soft.rebootMessage);
//soft.insertNextMedium = soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name );

function FindDriveLetter( dir )
var e = new Enumerator( fso.Drives );
var x;
var letters = new Array();
var path;

for( ; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext() )
x = e.item();

if( x.DriveType == 3 || x.IsReady )
letters = letters.concat( x.DriveLetter );


if( dir.length == 0)
return letters[0] + ":";

for( i = 0; i < letters.length; i++ )
if(dir.substr(0, 2) != "\\\\")
path = letters[i] + ":\\" + dir;

if( fso.FolderExists( path ) || fso.FileExists( path ) )
return letters[i] + ":";
return "";

function GetFilledString( zahl, fillChar, num_of_digits )
var filledStr = zahl.toString();
while( filledStr.length < num_of_digits )
filledStr = fillChar + filledStr;
return filledStr;
function RunOnceEx(index)
WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE", soft.title, "REG_SZ" );
var netzwerk_install;

for( a = index; a < soft.length; a++ )
if( soft[a].name == "-= REBOOT =-" )
WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString(a, "0", 3) + "\\", soft.rebootMessage, "REG_SZ" );
WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE",
soft.title + " " + (index+1).toString() + " - " + (a+1).toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(),
"REG_SZ" );
WshShell.Run( "rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true );
soft.startReboot = soft.startReboot.replace("{runat}", (a + 1).toString());
WshShell.Run( soft.startReboot );

return ++a;
soft[a].drive = "";

if( soft[a].checkPoint.substr(0, 2) != "\\\\")
soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint );
netzwerk_install = 0;
netzwerk_install = 1;

if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 )
WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE",
soft.title + " " + (index+1).toString() + " - " + a.toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(),
"REG_SZ" );
WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true);
soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint );
if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 )
WshShell.Popup( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ), 60, "", 64 );
soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint );
if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 )
WshShell.Popup( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ), 60, "", 64 );
soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint );
if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 )
WScript.Echo( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ) );
soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint );
index = a+1;
if(soft[a].drive.length || netzwerk_install == 1 )
WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString(a, "0", 3) + "\\", soft[a].name, "REG_SZ" );
for(b = 0; b < soft[a].length; b++)
if( netzwerk_install == 0 )
soft[a] = soft[a][b].replace( "%CDROM%", soft[a].drive );
soft[a][b] = soft[a][b].replace( "%CDROM%", "" );

WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString( a, "0", 3 ) + "\\" + GetFilledString( b, "0", 2 ),
soft[a][b], "REG_SZ" );

if( index > 0 && index < soft.length )
WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE",
soft.title + " " + ( index + 1 ).toString() + " - " + soft.length.toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(),
"REG_SZ" );

if( index < soft.length )
WshShell.Run( "rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true );
return soft.length;
function main()
//var namedArgs = WScript.Arguments.Named;
//var nextaction = WshShell.RegRead( runonceex_js + "\\" );
var startAt = 0;
//var wait_sek = 0;
var WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment( "SYSTEM" );
var driversDir = WshSysEnv( "systemdrive" );
driversDir += "\\Drivers";

startAt = WshShell.RegRead( runonceex_js + "\\runat" );
WshShell.RegDelete( runonceex_js + "\\runat" );

if( RunOnceEx( startAt ) == soft.length )
if( fso.FolderExists( driversDir ) )
fso.DeleteFolder( driversDir, true );
WshShell.RegDelete( runonceex_js );


Vitali Wrote:
007 Wrote:I just wish we could create a CD/DVD and add everything in one OS, applications, utilities but none of the programs are working so far.
I need a section [Software] from settings.txt on cd to check it.
007 Wrote:I think there is no enough documentations and direction for the programs.
Do you known this video?
007 Wrote:WUCD is very basic and easy to use but it is not working at all. I have created a package step by step as WUCD ownerÂ’s instruction but it is always fail. Only OS, Hotfix and SP2 is working thatÂ’s all. Office, WinRAR, Adobe, you name it they are not working no matter what you do.
Can you sent to me your winnt.sif (without the Adminpassword) and runonceex.js from $OEM$\$$ (without seriennumbers for your soft)?
007 Wrote:I am really so tired of collecting information and codes to make changes but Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….. Let me called they (Programs) very stupid
I certainly will appreciate you guys post some your CODE (RunOnceEx)
Sorry, I have a tutorial video only. I am bad in English, I don't have a english help file.
007 Wrote:I also would like to know witch option you guys use?
[b]There are three options in Software section:
1- Files Only
2- Directories
3- Install directly from source Do not copy on disk
I'm using 1 + 3 Wink

If you would known, how works "Install directly from source Do not copy on disk" let me known.


Messages In This Thread
OS and software installation - by 007 - 2006-11-29, 09:33 PM
RE: OS and software installation - by Vitali - 2006-11-30, 09:00 AM
RE: OS and software installation - by 007 - 2006-11-30, 08:07 PM
RE: OS and software installation - by 007 - 2006-11-30, 08:20 PM

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